Part 219: Mission 57 - Climactic Light - Part 1
Chapter 57 Part 1
Last time on Super Robot Wars Z: We took care of Durandal's massive Orbital Superweapon. Now we have to deal with the Dewey's Orbital Superweapon. Seriously where do you guys get the funding for these things.
Current Top Aces:
1. Setsuko - 206 Kills
2. Amuro - 154 Kills
3. Roger - 146 Kills
4. Talia - 146 Kills
5. Quattro - 142 Kills
Welcome back Talia.

Incidentally, Amuro leveled up last stage and learned his final Spirit Command, Zeal(60). Which is pretty nice. Granted, unlike the other Zeal Casters I have I haven't put any SP-Ups in him. Oh well.
In better news, we got ourselves two new units! Well, one and a half new units really.

FIrst, we have Reccoa back.

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation
Sarah Zabiarov - PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn
Voiced by Chizuru Ikewaki(Japanese), Maizun Jayoussi(English)
* Newtype(Level 6) - Increases Hit and Evasion rates. The strength of the effect depends on the skill's level. Some weapons require this skill for use.
* Support Attack (Level 3) - When Adjacent to an allied character before having attacked that turn, can perform a Support Attack after the ally attacks. The support attack will be slightly weaker then a regular attack.
* Support Defend (Level 3) - If adjacent to an ally on the enemy phase, if an attack will hit the ally, the character will perform a Support Defense and the attack will hit the character at reduced damage instead. The number of times this can be performed depends on the skill's level.
* Cooperative Attack - Whenever the pilot performs a Support Attack, that attack will automatically be a critical hit.
Spirit Commands:
* Trust(25) - Restore 2500 HP to an ally.
* Focus(15) - Increases hit and evasion rates by 30%
* Alert (10) - The caster gains 100% evasion rate for the next attack that targets the caster.
* Attune(30) - Grants one Ally the effect of the "Strike" Spirit command.
* Wish(70) - Casts Luck, Gain, and Faith on an allied squad, and raises all pilots Will by 10.
Squad Leader Bonus
*EXP +20%, Money +20%
siren:Secret Found!

So, here's another set of Setsuko Route exclusive secrets by doing the following:
- Have Katz fight Sarah on Stage 34 Gibraltar
- Have Kamille or Katz shoot Sarah down on Stage 35 Gibraltar.
- Have Kamille or Katz fight Sarah on Stage 37 Setsuko.
- On Stage 49 ZAFT or Stage 51 ZEUTH have either Quattro, Kamille, Fa, or Emma fight Reccoa, then have either Kamille or Fa Convince Reccoa.
- On Stage 56, if you didn't have Kamille or Katz fight Sarah on 37 Setsuko, then you can have Kamille Convince Sarah.
- On Stage 56, shoot down Sarah, then have Kamille convince Reccoa, then do not shoot down Reccoa.
If you follow these steps, then Reccoa will join up with you again, and Sarah will join as well! Reccoa is still Reccoa. But Sarah is the big prize. She's another Support Mobile Suit Pilot. With Newtype she's pretty survivable, and she has Support Attack and Copperative attack. And, of course, there's her spirit list. Most importantly and notably, we have another Wish caster!

On to upgrades, I get Sandman E Save and Backup Attack.

Reccoa gets Backup Attack, Will+(Evade), and Predict. Then I up her Range by 10.

I actually forgot I got Poe. She gets SP for Renew Spam.

Diana gets Hit&Away and of course SP-Ups.

Normally I try not to buy upgrades on characters on missions I don't cover, but I had to get Lacus Hit&Away last one due to her being force deployed.

She also gets SP-ups.

Athrun gets Predict, then I up his Melee by 8 and his Range by 3.

Jun learns Focused Attack.

And I had no idea what to do with Katz! He's been one of my best Squad mates the entire game, and he has pretty much everything he needs. SP for his great Spirits, he already had innate Will+(Evade) and Backup Attack... so I just got him Will+(Hit) to bring him up to Predict range quicker.

Then I upped his Range by 15.

Olson and Witz get S Ranks in Air.

Amuro has his Melee and Skill upped by 10.

Bright learns Focused Attack.

Kamille gets +5 to Melee and Range.

Boss learns Guard.

Marin and Loran also have +5 more Melee and Range. Roger just gets +3 in each.

You know what I'm tired of? Gavane's terrible Space Rank! It goes up to A. No longer will he need a Thruster Module.

Gainer gets Will+(Evade), for faster Overskill.

Talia gets +10 to Range.

I think Shinn has the highest Range and Melee stats of any of my characters by this point. +5 more to them.

And Toga maxes out Prevail!

And here's the Squads for this stage!
- Setsuko, Rag, Athrun
- Loran, Matthew, Roybea
- Garrod, Pala, Dike
- Renton, Fatman, Emma
- Holland, Riea, Cynthia
- Haman, Olson, Katz
- Toga, Boss, Sandman
- Shinn, Neo, Gavane
- Luna, Stella, Jamil
- Amuro, Witz, Sarah
- Roger, Michiru, Birin
- Duke, Maai, Sayaka
- Banjou, Kappei, Sochie
- Kamille, Adette, Poe
- Marin, Lancerow, Reccoa
- Ryouma, Jun, Gauli
- Kouji, Maria, Tetsuya
- Gainer, Sara, Belos

Back over the by Gekko, Talhos explaining about the gigantic beam cannon we just saw: its called the Oratorio nº 8, a weapon that discharges microwaves, and she remembers seeing plans for during her time in the army.
Looks like the Feds are using it to snipe at the Messiah but Adette doesnt see the point, considering the thing already was really trashed. Hollands sure Deweys using it as part of his plan to destroy the Coralians and he calls everyone to sortie and stop him.